Grant and Funding Glossary BC: March 2024 Update

I spent 6 months diving into the Canadian, and British Colombian grant system and this is every available organization I could find.

If this was helpful, I’d love a message or recommendation. And as always, thank you for reading.

***Note | The majority of the linked grant’s are over, but they’re bound to offer them again eventually. So keep an eye out for these organizations, rather then specific grants.

Click here for available grants:

Federal: (Mix of for-and-non-profit organizations)

Provincial: BC (Mix of for-and-non-profit organizations)

Municipal: (non-profit organizations)

  • *The majority of funds are made available to non-profits specifically.
  • City of Richmond:
    • Richmond Arts Awards
    • For Artists Living or Working Primarily in Richmond
    • Arts & Culture Grant Program
      • MUST EMAIL FOR GRANT DETAILS (horrible system…)

Now do you see why I went insane…

Save someone the anxiety and stress by linking them this resource!

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